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membru din 7 July 2016

All that happens behind the scenes

           Behind the scenes ♦ happening privately without being known by the rest
            Nu ştiu unde duce drumul meu, dar merg mai bine când te ţin de mână  
        ▪ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ■   www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtqiBUOSm_A   ■ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▪
       Fie Behind the scenes, fie Making of sau fie Bloopers, acestea reprezintă conversaţiile albumului
    de mai jos, respectiv tot ceea ce se află în spatele conversaţiilor dintre Zayn şi Gigi. Mai exact, acest album
     cuprinde toate fazele amuzate, nasty, dar şi conversaţiile care au sfârşit a fi un eşec. Don’t know which
       part we enjoy the most... Being lovers or being best friends? Because to be honest, with her it be-
    comes hard to understand all the things I used to... How did all this started? Well, it’s a funny story. We didn’t
     actually plan things to go like this from the beginning. In fact... it was all just a try of mine to get to her,
       and ironically it wasn’t just a wasted try, it was worth it. Beating my expectations, she was nothing like
    I thought she’d be. She was... friendly. Kind. Even funny sometimes, when she tries really hard (just teasing).
     She was different from others, in so many ways. Me, in a crazy way, I feel different around her. And I
       know I’m not always the person I should be, the person that she would deserve, or even like at all.
    I know that she got upset at me a few times, sometimes I made it on purpose and other times..I just felt like
     the biggest idiot for doing that to her. But that’s who I am, an asshole, with so many bad habits that I
    couldn’t count, and yet...who cares the most about her and wouldn’t know what to do, if I’d ever lose her.
       Damn maybe I’ll never admit it, not to myself or to anyone else, but to be honest..I love her. And not
        ▪ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫   just her pretty face or kind heart.. Her. ━ Zayn.   ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▪
◤And it was in that ̤m̤̤o̤̤m̤̤e̤̤n̤t̤ that I realized how much
◤And it was in that ̤m̤̤o̤̤m̤̤e̤̤n̤t̤ that I realized how much
I loved him ▌ he was ̤l̤̤o̤̤o̤̤k̤̤i̤̤n̤g̤ into my eyes
I loved him ▌ he was ̤l̤̤o̤̤o̤̤k̤̤i̤̤n̤g̤ into my eyes
so deeply with his black ones, so deeply◥
so deeply with his black ones, so deeply◥
◤that I could feel the love ̤r̤̤a̤̤d̤̤i̤̤a̤̤t̤̤i̤̤n̤g̤ off his
◤that I could feel the love ̤r̤̤a̤̤d̤̤i̤̤a̤̤t̤̤i̤̤n̤g̤ off his
warm body ▌I cannot wipe the huge ̤s̤̤m̤̤i̤̤l̤e̤
warm body ▌I cannot wipe the huge ̤s̤̤m̤̤i̤̤l̤e̤
off my face but he did not ̤s̤̤e̤̤e̤m̤ to mind ◥
off my face but he did not ̤s̤̤e̤̤e̤m̤ to mind ◥
We are ̤c̤̤o̤̤m̤̤p̤̤l̤̤i̤̤c̤̤a̤̤t̤̤e̤d̤ ·weird ·messy ·nerdy
We are ̤c̤̤o̤̤m̤̤p̤̤l̤̤i̤̤c̤̤a̤̤t̤̤e̤d̤ ·weird ·messy ·nerdy
̤l̤̤a̤̤ṳ̤g̤̤h̤̤i̤̤n̤g̤ ▪ ▪ ▪ B L O O P E R S ▪ ▪ ▪ ̤t̤̤o̤̤g̤̤e̤̤t̤̤h̤̤e̤r̤
̤l̤̤a̤̤ṳ̤g̤̤h̤̤i̤̤n̤g̤ ▪ ▪ ▪ B L O O P E R S ▪ ▪ ▪ ̤t̤̤o̤̤g̤̤e̤̤t̤̤h̤̤e̤r̤
We are ·smart ·̤m̤̤i̤̤s̤̤ṳ̤n̤̤d̤̤e̤̤r̤̤s̤̤t̤̤o̤̤o̤d̤ but ·funny
We are ·smart ·̤m̤̤i̤̤s̤̤ṳ̤n̤̤d̤̤e̤̤r̤̤s̤̤t̤̤o̤̤o̤d̤ but ·funny
╲ Dunno which p·a·r·t we ̬̫e̫̬̬̫n̫̬̬̫j̫̬̬̫o̫̬y̫̬ the most
╲ Dunno which p·a·r·t we ̬̫e̫̬̬̫n̫̬̬̫j̫̬̬̫o̫̬y̫̬ the most
See what ̤h̤̤a̤̤p̤̤p̤̤e̤̤n̤̤e̤d̤ ♥ ̤b̤̤e̤̤h̤̤i̤̤n̤d̤ the scenes
See what ̤h̤̤a̤̤p̤̤p̤̤e̤̤n̤̤e̤d̤ ♥ ̤b̤̤e̤̤h̤̤i̤̤n̤d̤ the scenes
Being lovers or being best f·r·i·e·n·d·s╱
Being lovers or being best f·r·i·e·n·d·s╱

Comentarii album • 4
Thunderstruck 7 January 2017  
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